Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Moving and Grooving

Well we did it. We bought our first house. WHEW!! It was fun, exciting and terrifying all at the same time. I don't think I slept a wink the night before. I was like a kid on Christmas....except I was buying my own really expensive present. Now, a few days out I am able to reflect a little on how blessed we are! I mean, when I was a youngster I could never have imagined this cool of a future for me.

With that said...here is how it all went down! I guess the day all began at our 9:00 a.m. closing. Not nearly as scary as I thought it might be, but you certainly have to sign about 2 million pieces of paper. And that is not an exaggeration. Okay, slight exaggeration.

Matt brought his Grandad Woody's pen to sign with and before we knew it...homeowners!! Personally, I envisioned ceremoniously (maybe there was music playing in background and a cake) being handed a large, shiny, key-to-the-city key. Alas, they just hand you the normal sized key, there are some congratulatory handshakes and hugs and you are on your way!

So then we headed to our new crib/casa/humble abode, stopping to take a few classic new homeowner shots. I say, if there is any time to take cheesy photos this is the time! Embrace it.

And that lady back behind us, wearing the red brick, posing beautifully is our new house. I guess that means we are official Nashvillians. Cool by me! Oh and did I mention that the week before it had been 80 and sunny, but the weather caught a cold and it was in the 40s all weekend sniffling rain at us. This really put a damper on the cookout I wanted to have Saturday after a long day of moving. Hmph!

Matt's mom and sister and my parents came up this weekend to help Matt get settled and help us figure out a few "we have to do these right now" projects. My mom and dad brought us a dining room table and chairs! The one from my condo will only sit four people, at the most and that would just not do with all the dinner parties I have planned! Even better, this table was my grandparents (dad's parents). It needs a little love, but more about this little DIYer later!

So after about 13 trips to Home Depot (look at my cute dad)...

Lots of Chicken salad (look at Matt's cute mom)...

Delicious wedding cake tasting (my cute mom)...

And one mean dance party...

We are enjoying a temporarily decorated house! That is...until moving day happens again and we move my stuff in...and the fun starts all over! I can't wait to get my hands on all the fun projects I've been dreaming up. DIYlicious! More to come on that later...and also a room by room walk-through of mi casa (there are a few little tastes in the pics above)!

As for now back to Home Depot....ahhh the joys of home ownership!

Also...if you were wondering...the wedding cake was delish and we finally made a decision! I call that good multi-tasking!


  1. Amanda this house looks gorgeous!!!! xo Maggs

  2. Love the house! Found your blog via facebook- fun stuff. Congrats on home ownership!

    Susie (Poythress) Long :)
